Thursday, November 21, 2013

November '13 sketchbook pages

It's sketchbook time! Also, since next week is Thanksgiving, I will be taking that Thursday off. Hope everyone has a great time eating lots of food and hanging out with family.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

November skill building: sloths, pandas, fennec foxes, and mechs.

This month's selection of skill building sketches is a bit...random. Some of it makes sense; the sloths were from last weeks "Sloth Yoga" and pandas and fennec foxes are just adorable. It's the giant robot things that are out of place for me. But I decided to try capturing just the basic shapes and it turns out that mechs are actually a lot of fun to draw! My favorite part is their shoes; mechs have cool shoes/feet. (Probably shouldn't tell any little boys I said that, though.)


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sloth yoga

It's doesn't get much more ridiculous than sloths doing yoga. Enjoy! ^_^
