Saturday, August 13, 2011


First, a little bit about me; my name is Bethany and I live with my husband and our four gerbils. I'm a twenty something, although most of the time I feel a lot younger. I'm also an artist, which brings me to this blog.

I've never tried anything this ambitious, but I hope to use this blog as a virtual bulletin board for my artwork, a place where I can share my creations. My other interests will also probably end up here, which run to the thoughtful, the silly, the cute and the down-right nerdy things in life.

I tend to be a little on the scatter-brained side, so my postings will probably not be as frequent as they should be, but I will try and add something new a few times a week.

And now, onward and upwards!

1 comment:

  1. my, my, my, my, my, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, to the blogosphere, to the blogosphere, to the blogosphere!
