Thursday, July 28, 2016

On Frustration and Moth Princesses

Ever had a project where you thought "This'll be easy! I've done this a bunch of times before." and then it turns to be frustrating and stupid and you want to scrap the whole idea? Well, that was this week's illustration. I wanted to do a colored version of the Moth Princess from a few weeks ago and I figured it would be a reasonably quick and easy project. After all, I colored all those other Inktober drawings, this should be cake, right? Wrong! 

I spent some of Monday and a good chunk of Wednesday working on Moth Princess and she ended up looking like this.

Something felt off to me. The colors weren't working right and I had tried them really muted and really intense. Super annoying! So, after taking a break, I tried swapping out some colors till I got to this point.

This one feels a lot better, but I'm still not totally sold on it. I may need to take a break and try a third version. Or I may decide it isn't worth it and move on to something else.

Sometimes, projects don't turn out the way you'd hoped. Sometimes, you get so frustrated you just want to chuck the whole thing and never try that medium again ever! And you can do that, although it might not be the best choice in the long run. If you do stick with it, you have to decide whether to keep working on that project till you're satisfied, or call it close enough and move on to the next thing. Neither way is 100% correct all of the time and it take a while to figure out which approach to take when. This time, I'm choosing to move on. Next time, I might keep working till I'm satisfied. But either way, the important this is to keep moving forward.

onward and upward,

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