Saturday, January 12, 2013


So, I don't talk that much about clothes and stuff, but........................

I got my first two pairs of TOMS a few days ago!!

When I first heard about TOMS, I figured they were just another overpriced, hipster shoe. Then I did some research about the company and found out that they're actually really cool. In addition to their charitable purpose, to provide a pair of shoes for a child in need for every pair they sell, TOMS shoes also pays their overseas workers fair wages. Plus, their shoes are SUPER comfy; a win-win-win situation!

I'm still in the process of breaking mine in, but I can already tell I'm going to love them; having an article of clothing that conforms perfectly to your body is the best thing ever! I may never buy another type of shoe again.



  1. so pretty! and yay for companies with good ethics!!

  2. Yeah, it's nice to have pretty shoes that are comfortable and that I feel good about wearing.
