Well, here we are again; another year ahead of us. If you recall, last January I was highly optimistic about 2012. I had goals and plans and ambitions. This time around, I find myself feeling a little less enthusiastic. Don't get me wrong, I still have loads of challenging/probably impossible goals and plans, but I'm a bit wary of the months ahead.
This may be due to all the "difficulties" I stumbled across in 2012; discouraging art prospects, various family members going to the hospital and my own battles with anxiety and panic. I also feel very aware of my own faults and short comings, especially when it comes to this blog. I start things which die part way through. I struggle with comments and social interactions. I go for weeks without blogging because I don't know what to say or feel guilty about boring you all with my life.
In the midst of these discouragements, I am starting to see improvement in little things. I've gotten better at integrating yoga into my life. My sketching is growing in new ways. My gaming skills have improved. (I'm playing Twilight Princess with only minimal help from Jon!) In addition to this progress, I've also learned a few things from my past experiences.
1. Adding/Improving things slowly is ok. Baby steps are more long term than "change your life in a week" plans.
2. Structure is important. Having some way to organize my creative, chaotic nature helps me be more productive.
3. Starting small is good. (This kind of ties in with the first point.) Doing little things repeatedly is less daunting than trying to tackle giant expectations.
4. Being intentional. Everything, even the stuff that seems "easy", requires effort. This especially applies to blogging. A lot of the blogs I read seem so effortless, but I've realized those bloggers put a ton of time and planning into their post and content.
5. Find something the works for you. Everyone functions differently and that's ok. Figure out a system that helps you excel.
6. Lastly, (and this one is the most sappy) be yourself. You shine the brightest when you are the person you were made to be.
So, with these things in mind, I'm venturing forth into this year. No matter what happens, it's bound to be an adventure.