Thursday, December 19, 2013

December Sketchbook '13

Not a whole lot in my sketchbook this month, but my excuse is that it's December and disciplines usually go a bit slack this season. This will be my last post for 2013!! It's been a good year, full of learning all kinds of learning and (hopefully) leveling up my art a bit. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

December skill building: Dancers, hands, skulls

This is not one of my stronger posts, not gonna lie. Art projects have been a bit slow and these are the best skill building sketches I have to offer. Hopefully, next year I'll get my act back together and have some decent looking skill building stuff. (At least, as decent as skill building drawings can get.)


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Best Doodles of 2013

So, at the beginning of this year, I had the lofty goal of drawing one doodle every day, then posting it on a tumblr account. That didn't happen. It turns out I'm really bad at doing something, even something as simple a doodling every day, consistently for a whole year. However, despite technically being a failure, this project did produce a lot of really fun doodles. I thought it would be cool to gather up my favorite ones and feature them all together in one post, seeing as how 2013 will be over soon. Enjoy! 
