Thursday, November 20, 2014

November '14 Sketchbook

Since next week is Thanksgiving, I decided to post my sketches early and take the holiday off. This month's sketches are kind of...weird. It would have been nice to keep October's sketchbook success going, but I guess it was not meant to be. Mostly, this month was full of bizarre little doodles, some of which are pretty sloppy. I'd blame it entirely on the cold I've been fight off, but my lack of motivation is probably equally at fault. I have been getting a lot of writing done. Jon and I are writing a novel together and we've made fantastic progress over the last few weeks! Maybe that's were my motivation went...

onward and upward,

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November '14 Skill Building: Lighting

Lighting is one of those things that always baffles me when it comes to art. I think it has something to do with being consistent about your light source and shadows. So, in order to debunk my light rendering fears, I did a few thumbnail studies of some photos with interesting lighting set ups. For tiny, fast paced studies, I think they turned out well and I'm already feeling less intimidated about rendering light. Goal achieved!!

onward and upward,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Simplified Portraits

Did a few simple portraits the week to try and capture a more stylized but realistic take on the human face. Honestly, I don't think these are all that great, (though part of that might be that I'm sick and nothing looks good), but it was still a useful exercise.

onward and upward (hopefully to better health),