Sorry for the late post. I was really stumped on what to blog about, so I did a quick drawing of an idea I was thinking about at the time: the Library Fairy.
I think the concept is fun, but I can't say I'm super thrilled with how the drawing/painting part turned out. The pen work isn't my best and the colors feel too muddy. But at least the idea is out on paper. If I have time, I may do another version.
Also wanted to share a few up coming changes. After much thought, I've decided to update this blog less frequently. Blogging every week has been good for me in the past, but at the moment, I'm working on some larger projects that require a lot of time and aren't ready to share yet. I'm also thinking of getting an actual, fancy pants website, but that might take awhile to get off the ground. We'll see.
As of now, I'm thinking my update schedule will be either once every two weeks, or once a month. I'll have to see with schedule works better. I'm a bit sad blogging less, but I think the change will be good. And I'm excited about working on bigger ideas! ^_^
onward and upward,