Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Watercolor/collage portrait and mood music

I finally finished the watercolor/collage portrait of Jon. It only took like forever! Here it is.

I'm pretty pleased with it. The colors look a little funny in some of the picture, but weather is rainy today, which makes the lighting kinda bad. I promise it looks better in real life.

Not gonna lie, I'm having kind of a moody day. Everything beautiful is extra beautiful and everything bad is extra disturbing. The grey skies aren't doing much to improve the situation.  Funny how rainy days can be either peaceful and comforting, or depressing.

Currently, I'm choosing to deal with my emotions by giving them some good rainy day type music. Coldplay, which I'm listening to at the moment, is really good for this. My playlist also includes a bit of Enya, Josh Groban (mostly the songs he sings in different languages), a little Imogene Heap and this neat music project called PICTURE SHOP (which I highly recommend checking out if you like artsy, soundtrack style music) I learned long ago that oftentimes, it's better not to force yourself to feel happy when you're not. Usually, if you give yourself permission to be sad or moody if that's how your feeling, your emotions work themselves out on their own. This isn't a universal rule, of course, but it does work a lot of the time.

So go ahead, have a bad day if you need to! I give you permission!



  1. I think it's great! I can totally tell that it's him.

  2. Thanks Susannah! It was quite a bit of work, but worth it in the end.

    I just took a look at your blog. It looks really neat! I look forward to exploring it in greater detail.

  3. haha, you definitely captured his personality! good job!! Port Blue is also great for moody days, and audiobooks too (finally made it through Emma!).

  4. Actually, I think you took that picture Trufflehunter! I have you to thank for the inspiration!

    Yes, I must get Port Blue. I was wishing I had it today. Congrats on finishing Emma! I attempted to read it and fail pathetically. It will probably be the last Jane Austen book I get too. Maybe listening to the audio book would make it easier.

  5. really? I does not remember that! cool! yeah, I think audiobooks are easier. btw, did I tell you I found out Adam Young (aka Port Blue, Owl City) has Aspergers Syndrome? his work makes so much more sense to me now.
