Monday, October 15, 2012

Grey Skies and whale sharks

A grey and rainy Monday to you all! Here are a few side projects I've been working on.

This one is called Grey Skies, although I feel like I should come up with a better title. (I was feeling pretty emo about my future when the idea came to me.) It's hard to tell in the photo (curse you, scanner), but the landscape is made up of grey magazine pieces, which I then gessoed over and covered with scribbles pen texturing. I'm hopeful that this could be a neat way to incorporate collage elements into future illustration projects.

Remember that whale shark painting I posted? (Btw, I checked and it actually is a whale shark.) Well, here is the "finished" version and by finished, I mean add a bit more paint and call it a day. Still, it turned out well.


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