Thursday, July 2, 2015

Black and White Environment studies

Life continues to be busy, (which really shouldn't surprise me by now), so today's post is just a few quick environment studies.  

 I think my three biggest areas of struggle when it comes to environments are depth of field, lighting, and form. I can sketch in the shapes, but getting them to convey a sense of distance and space is really tough. And, since I want to eventually create environments that help tell stories, I need to make sure all the landscape elements (rocks, trees, mountains, clouds, ect) read with an appropriate amount of clarity for the given situation. I think these three studies are moving in the right direction, (being able to add the right values with my watercolors makes a world of difference), but I have a long way to go before I'll feel really confident about making an environment up from scratch.

Well, that was quite a ramble! If you actually made it to the end, I congratulate you. Go get yourself a cookie! 

onward and upward,

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