Hello everyone! First off, an announcement; I will not be posting next Tuesday because...dun dun daaa...Jon and I will be at Walt Disney World!! We've been saving and planning for like, a year and a half, and now the fateful day is nearly here.
If asked to describe my feelings about this vacation, I'd say I'm excited, terrified, and kind of overwhelmed. (Actually, at this very moment, I'm in denial about the whole thing, which I've found is a good way to keep from freaking out for as long as possible.) I really want to go to Disney World. In fact, I've never been to Disney World at all, so this is kind of like fulfilling a childhood dream. But, as someone who struggles with anxiety, planning and going on a vacation to Disney is not a walk in the park. (Actually, sometimes walking in the park is anxious, so maybe what I should say is that it's not like sitting on the couch watching Jon play video games!)
Last week, when the pre-trip anxiety first started flaring up, I made this doodle late one night.
It's sort of a scrawny, wall eyed, neurotic cat thing and did a pretty good job of personifying how I was feeling.
Later on, I decided to explore the character further.
I'm still in the "trying to get the character consistent" stage, so all the doodles are a bit off from each other, but I really like where it's going. It's decidedly awkward and not obviously cute, but still has some charm. And it has helped me do something constructive with my anxious feelings. Even if this character never gets used again, it's already done something good for me.
So again, no blog post next Tuesday. I am planning on posting some of our Disney adventures on my Instagram account, if anyone wants to follow along. I know that, for all the stress and planning and fears, it will be a really fun trip. And then I get to come home and relish the glories of my familiar routine, which is practically a vacation in itself. ;-)
onward and upward,