I know I'm cramming a lot into this post, but I wanted to keep up my monthly pattern of checking up on my 2012 wall and updating my current non-art interests. Due to reasons I can't quite recall, I forgot to post at the end of April, so I'm writing an entire for the past two months.
So here's my 2012 wall. Admittedly, I haven't done much with in as of late, but hopefully I'll get some new stuff up there soon.
My in-laws went to Hawaii in the beginning of May and brought me back some nifty post cards.
And now, my favorite parts of April and May.
Learning the bass. I decided randomly at Easter that playing the bass guitar might be fun. I was much better about practicing in April than I am now, but I'm still plugging away. Jon is planning on writing music soon and I'd like to be able to assist him in the process.
S'mores! We made s'mores almost every night for a couple of weeks. Since a campfire was not readily available, we used the toaster over, which worked fairly well.
The Earthsea Trilogy. I've been reading Ursula K, Le Guin's Earthsea books, The Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuna and The Farthest Shore. They're an excellent example of well-crafted high fantasy. I'm especially fond of her magic system, which is based on calling things by their true names. So many authors have used this idea in other stories **coughcoughChristopherPaolinicoughcough**, but I'm pretty sure she was the first to come up with it.
Gardening. This year is my second attempt at maintaining a garden. I tried starting some things from seeds, but sadly only a few Zinnias and Morning Glories have gotten anywhere. My mother-in-law also gave me a bunch of tiger lilies, which I'm hoping with flourish. Pretty much everything else was already there. Maybe I'll add a few other things later in the season.
The Legend of Korra. This is so totally my new favorite show! ^_^ It takes place about 70 years after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The world, characters and story line are all awesome and the art style is gorgeous. The creators did a very good job of giving the show its own unique flavor while still keeping with the spirit of The Last Airbender. Jon and I have to watch it online because we don't have cable, which you can do on the Nickelodeon website. The hardest part is waiting for new episodes to come out each week. It's been awhile since I followed a show that hasn't been completed yet and this series has lots of cliff hangers.
That's about it. Hope everyone has a good night!