Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Do you ever have days were you don't want to do anything but stare up at the ceiling? Where it takes sooo much effort to get yourself off the couch? When you feel like you have an invisible leech sucking away all your energy? Well, that was me today.

I have been managing to get things done, but its been an uphill trudge. Tomorrow I drop my artwork off at the art show. To be honest, I'm actually more nervous about getting to the show location than whether or not I make it in. Going to new places often times triggers the anxiety. I know that I'll be fine; I've gotten a lot better at dealing with those sorts of feeling when they come. (This week has already had its fair share of inner battles.) Although it's never an easy or pleasant experience, it is encouraging to see your self improving in an area that was once so overwhelming. But I digress.

New art shall be coming, I promise. I've had a recent epiphany about some long term art goals and dreams that I'm looking forward to sharing with you, so be sure to check back in a few days. Until then, have a good rest of your week!


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