Saturday, January 14, 2012

When you're strange; faces come out in the rain/shower curtians

Hello. I have something slightly different in store for today. This is our shower curtain.

Lovely, isn't it? (I happen to have a fondness for silhouetted trees.) Anyway, as you can hopefully tell from the picture, this tree has lots of little branches that converge to make all kinds of odd patterns. After looking at these patterns everyday for days and days and days, you start to see things. Lines here and there start to looking like faces and forms. Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else? 

Well, after looking at all these faces in our shower curtain for nearly a year, I decided it might be fun (and probably extremely weird) to do some sketches of the stuff I saw and share them with you all.  So here we go.

So, do these things actually make sense to people, or am I just crazy? (Maybe I don't want the question answered! ^_^) Well, at least you got your weirdness quota in for the day!

Note: The title of this post is a line from the song "People are Strange" by the Doors. The first time I heard this song was by watching this super cool video. You should totally go check it out if you want to see more cool/weird stuff.


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