Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sad day.

I have some rather depressing news. Relish, the restaurant I hung my work in, closed down. Oddly enough, I'm taking the more "laugh at the ironic, Murphy's law like qualities of this situation" rather than allowing it to plunge me despair. At least, that's what I think I'm doing.

To tell you the truth, I'm in a bit of a funk. Have been for the past week or so, even before finding out about Relish. Part of it is the "between projects" phase I'm in. There have been a few things here and there, but nothing to really throw my whole artistic self into. That's also the problem with all the current ideas I could be doing; nothing is really sparking any strong interests or inspirations. I think one thing looks good, then I get bored with it two seconds later.

It's like I'm on a path that has broken off into lots of little paths and wondering "Where should I go next?"

Not to sound like a cliched Christian, but what I really need to do is take a break from this whole issue and have a chat with God. Just a kind of "here's where I am and how I'm feeling" talk that I don't remember to do often enough. I'm not sure if it will help or make me feel better, but it's a good thing to do none the less.

That's all for the moment. Sleep well!


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